Market intelligence solutions

Over time, Valoral Advisors has developed in-depth proprietary research and significant agricultural intelligence. Valoral Advisors has been conducting ongoing research to build and maintain one of the most comprehensive databases in the food and agriculture industry.

INSIDEAGRO is our brand that consolidates our market intelligence solutions.

Global food & agriculture fund database

A database like no other. Valoral manages a proprietary database of private investment funds specialized in food and agricultural assets, complemented with a broad electronic library of funds’ documents. The database contains:

Information about over 600 investment funds, of which over 390 are operating.
Total AuM in excess of $60B.
Detailed classification by asset class, geographical exposure and other criteria.
Continuously updated.

Fund database overview Download

Latin American food & agriculture M&A database

A critical tool for those investors and managers looking to deploy capital across the regional food and agricultural value chain. The database contains:

More than 400 individual deals worth $10M or more since 2010.
Total deals worth over $60B.
Covers Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.
Useful information about buyers and sellers and specific sub-sectors.
Continuously updated with information sourced from +20 sources and from proprietary analysis.

Latam M&A database overview Download

For a complete access to Valoral Advisors’ research database and for information about our services, please get in contact with us.
Please read our disclaimer for the databases.

Disclaimer for databases

Neither Valoral Advisors sarl (“Valoral Advisors”) norany person affiliated with Valoral Advisors recommends or endorses any specific funds orinvestment products and provides no investment research, advice, guidance or other advisory services. Valoral Advisors disclaim all liability inrespect of actions taken or based onany information contained on this website and under no circumstances will Valoral Advisors be liable for anyloss or damage caused byany person’s reliance on information obtained through this site. Valoral Advisors database is merely a collection ofinformation provided by fund managers, firms or available public domain tobe used by interested persons as a starting place for their own duediligence and analysis.

Itis the sole and exclusive responsibility of users of this site to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of information provided on this site. Please seek the advice of your own professional advisors regarding the evaluationofany specific investment opportunity. Inclusion in Valoral Advisors’ databases is not an endorsement or recommendation by Valoral Advisors or a representation or warranty astoanyfund, firm, manager or product andno information on this website constitutes investment advice or recommendations asto the suitability ofanyproduct or security.

All information provided here hasbeen provided directly by the fund managers, their firms orisin the public domain andisprovided “asis” without warranty ofany kind, express or implied. Valoral Advisors make no representation or warranty asto the accuracy orcompleteness of the information. This website is for informational and educational purposes only and no material on this website should beconstrued as offers to sell securities, solicitations of offers tobuy securities oran offer to provide investment advisory or other services.

Valoral Advisors reserve the right to exclude any fund or manager from the database for any reason at any time. Valoral Advisors’ databases represent a mere classification of public information related to the fund managers and their firms andisnot intended asan assessment, valuation or ranking ofanyof the funds, securities, vehicles, management companies and firms contained therein.


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